Published: 1/19/2025 | Updated: 1/19/2025

Wave IV - Adventure - NVC II

The session was a little stronger than the previous day’s of the same exact tape; however, the results were about the same. This time I was able to better keep aware of the instructions but still ended up clicking out (just a little bit less than the previous session), so not bad overall but can still work on it and improve. I have a feeling I’ll be doing NVC I & NVC II tracks regularly throughout my journey.

I had a couple situations where my physical body reacted to what was going on in non-physical. At one point I was seeing a visual during the instructions. When I receive the prompt I focus on visualizing it, and in that processes this bit of “dream” sequence can get a little convincing I guess. So, something came up over me causing my physical arms to jolt up. It felt like a huge jolt and my arms went flying up but in reality I believe only my wrists twitched.

On another occasion in focus 12 after the training, I was tracking something I was receiving, some sort of a nonverbal communication in the visual form. Again, I don’t quite remember exactly what was happening and I’m bummed out about it. Regardless, whatever was going on, required my attention to quickly move to the right, which caused my physical head to jerk to the right. Therefore, on two occasions, something going on in my non-physical, caused my physical body to react as if it was engaged with what was going on.

Afterwards I did my best to induce a lucid dream, but it was ultimately unsuccessful. A funny thing happened instead. I couldn’t fall asleep at all when I was laying on my left side. I did on a couple occasions felt the sensation you often feel when you’re moments from falling asleep. That is the same sensation I feel when my lucid dream is ending/disintegrating. Recognizing this, I deeply focused into this feeling and slowed the time enough to really feel it… feeling low rise in vibrations through my spine and extremities. That’s as far as I’d get before that would end and time would wind back up to waking moment.

…Then I remembered the head jerk from my meditation session. So I thought “Maybe I’m supposed to lay on my right side.” After turning over to my right side, I fell asleep immediately. If that was indeed the message… that’s pretty dumb, and funny… but also kind of neat.