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Percept Entries


Relatively mild pair of sessions followed by a mild and kinda weird lucid dream... followed by a weird brain dump (download?). The part at the end feels like content from "Stalking the Wild Pendulum", Tom Campbell "TOE" works, work of Goddard, and others collapsed into a single torrent of thoughts on one particular topic.


No more crashing ocean waves and no more Bobs disembodied voice greeting you in that now nostalgic voice "First, your Energy Conversion Box, use this." While I do generally miss being guided by Bob, the new guide is a great change of pace and overall I am very happy with the first track of Wave 5. Anyways the usual prep and F10 went as expected, decided that its best to use the original F10 method as guided by Bob in the first wave but I speed it up quite a bit. Seems like this method has been the best for me at this point, something about recognizing that my head and muscles around the eyes actually relaxing (like Im telling them) has alleviated "trying to keep my eyes closed" feeling... very uncomfortable.


I decided it was a good day to munch on 1.6 g of Golden Teacher and see where my meditations take me. It wasnt what I expected but it was what I needed right in this moment.


Today I went on an unguided session to continue practicing NVC (non-verbal communication). I like the timer function of the Expand app so I figured might as well do that so I can focus a little harder by taking my time with everything. I used to do this with Tom Campbell’s binaural beats after sessions for extra practice with whatever I was learning, or to just hang out in a particular state to get acclimated to it a different way.


Another round of NVC II as I am continuing to practice my nonverbal communication. I’ve been practicing these specific tapes in hopes of getting past clicking out randomly throughout different parts of the different NVC tracks. So far... I’m still unable to get through the entire tape without clicking out here and there, but I am getting better.


The process of getting into the session was about the same as previous successful ones, all went well and without any particular issue. Getting into focus 10 was fairly quick and I was able to actually reach a particularly deep sensation of focus 10. My physical body at this point was already very heavy and felt as if it was under a weighted blanket.


The session was a little stronger than the previous days of the same exact tape; however, the results were about the same. This time I was able to better keep aware of the instructions but still ended up clicking out (just a little bit less than the previous session), so not bad overall but can still work on it and improve. I have a feeling I’ll be doing NVC I & NVC II tracks regularly throughout my journey.


For the most part, the training was uneventful. I kept losing track of the instructions of what to visualize and often feel myself clicking out only to hear Bob say on or off without knowing what I’m supposed to visualize or what I was visualizing or doing anything.