Unguided 45 min F12 Session
Today I went on an unguided session to continue practicing NVC (non-verbal communication). I like the timer function of the Expand app so I figured might as well do that so I can focus a little harder by taking my time with everything. I used to do this with Tom Campbell’s binaural beats after sessions for extra practice with whatever I was learning, or to just hang out in a particular state to get acclimated to it a different way.
I have observed something though, if I don’t feel like there’s a time crunch to get my prep stuff done I will absolutely use that time to daydream and and mess around and get frustrated with myself 😆. On the flip side once I got through all the prep work (ECB, resonant tuning, REB, affirmation) I was able to get into F10 lightning fast. I assume it’s because there’s no pressure to “beat the clock” ⏰ before hearing Bob quietly shatter your concentration with “NOW THAT YOU’RE IN FOCUS 10”.
Then I started my practice. I grounded myself in a scene of being sat on a beach, next to a fire, moonlight casting over gentle waves, the sand is coarse, the open cave that l left behind where my ECB is was just behind me. It was a lot easier to imagine my own face this time for some reason. I’ve always struggled with creating visuals of myself but this time it was relatively easy. I’d throw a prompt up, words and/or concepts, and then create a visual of that word or concept with light and energy. Think of those light work photography shoots, like that but instant and more energetic in presentation (moving and vibrating objects). After doing this for a bit and getting distracted here and there when scenes would form out of the light work I decided to jump into F12 and see if anyone would answer.
Per usual I ran through my F10 ➡️ F12 routine, counting up and running the boombox radio visualization. Just a note, I still loosely understood that I was still in the scene that I previously described, just much more focused and aware, with void and stars in the background taking a much more focal point (still not foreground).
Anyways, shot off a couple questions, nothing. Then I created a mailbox 📪 in which I would put in a question, close the lid, and see the question blast off from the backside of the mailbox way up and into the void.
I got an answer. I was shown a frozen rat 🐀 , grey and white, being lowered into a red funnel that was on top of a blender… by a hand wearing a safety glove 🧤. Ooookay… 😬 see I know this was a legit communication back to me because I remember it vividly… and it still creeps me out but I’m not sure what the heck it even means. Weird.
After that I had a few other little things but nothing of note and clearly not memorable so it’s probably random noise. Need to work on cleaning that up. Jumped out of F12 into F10 (boombox radio 📻 visual played in reverse), then spent a little bit of time reflecting on some of what happened while in F10, this is where I also made a note to have a lucid dream, then I jumped out completely (said “one” in my mind and opened my eyes).