Wave 5 - Advanced F12
No more crashing ocean waves (they’re there just not the same) and no more Bob’s disembodied voice greeting you in that now nostalgic voice “First, your Energy Conversion Box, use this.” While I do generally miss being guided by Bob, the new guide is a great change of pace and overall I am very happy with the first track of Wave 5. Anyways the usual prep and F10 went as expected, decided that it’s best to use the original F10 method as guided by Bob in the first wave but I speed it up quite a bit. Seems like this method has been the best for me at this point, something about recognizing that my head and muscles around the eyes actually relaxing (like I’m telling them) has alleviated “trying to keep my eyes closed” feeling… very uncomfortable.
Advanced F12 focuses specifically on your non-physical/energy body. You are tasked with simply detecting and sensing this body and then by thought lifting your right arm and stretching it to another item in the physical space with you… I suggest to decide what that is before starting the tape, otherwise you’re going off of memory of what’s physically around you… while that’s not too bad it’s the decision of what to “stretch” to that gets in the way. It’s a lot easier to make this decision before beginning as I felt like I lost a bit of time thinking “oh crap, so water bottle is right there… no sound machine makes more sense, wait what about the running shoes, wait…” 👟 Then you have to do that with your left, so pick a couple objects before you dive in. 🤿
I’m glad I spent a good amount of time in Wave 4 to get used to F12 and work on my NVC. Once you’re in Wave 5 you’ll be doing this stuff automatically, even when the guide verbally counts you in or out of focus levels. I’m pretty sure that’s the point of this whole thing, the totality of the method comes together as you move forward with completion of each Wave. So yes, it’s important to stay in any particular Wave for as long as you need to BUT also recognize when it’s time to move on… I’ve on one occasion spent too much time in one area thinking I wasn’t getting it only to realize that the piece I needed to complete it was actually in the next Wave/tape.
Today was one of those decision days… do one more Wave 4, specifically “Compoint” or move on to Wave 5. I thought about it for a minute and realized that during all my practice I already did “Compoint” as the exercise is described (I also did it at least once anyway a while back), as a way for me to get a grip on how to control or get comfortable with NVC (see my previous entries). So I decided to move on and I’m glad that I did.
A few things led to this decision actually. The previous day’s trip gently showed me that I had to realize that I’ve been stuck on loop chasing the same two things during my consciousness work: NVC and connecting with NHI. It was time to break that pattern and get back to some good ol’ solid practice, dig deeper, focus on what’s attempting to grab my attention rather than continue to hit my head against the wall forcing something to happen. 👍🏻