Published: 2/15/2025 | Updated: 2/16/2025

Wave 5, Unguided Freeflow F12, Lucid Dream, Download

Relatively mild pair of sessions followed by a mild and kinda weird lucid dream… followed by a weird brain dump (download?). The part at the end feels like content from “Stalking the Wild Pendulum”, Tom Campbell’s “TOE” works, Goddard’s work, and others collapsed into a single torrent of thoughts on one particular topic.

Wave 5 - Discovering Intuition & Unguided Freeflow F12

Wave 5 “Discovering Intuition” was relatively uneventful but felt good afterwards. Fired up the Expand app and jumped into a 35 minute F12 session. For all of my unguided work, which is typically about half an hour at most, I’m now using an red infrared light lamp 💡. We’ll see how that goes but so far no negative side-effects.

Lucid Dream

I’ve made it a habit now to set my intention to receive a lucid dream after my weekend meditation sessions. So far I’m about 50/50 with this method. This particular lucid dream was underwhelming and kind of weird. It wasn’t hyper real or indistinguishable from waking life, or if it was I just didn’t pay attention. Perhaps it was meant to convey some symbolism but I clearly wasn’t aware enough to catch it.

It was actually a string of 3 lucid dreams in a short span of time. I did my “extreme focus” on the dissolution of the lucid dream as I become aware to kinda kick start into the next one. On the third attempt I was clearly waking up and was unable to stop it but I did notice a few small circles form in my otherwise total black vision. Upon closer inspection the circles were little portals into something, a window perhaps, colorful and vibrant and different in each one… but as I said I was already coming out of it all and could not hold focus on them to explore more. Darn it!

Brain Dump (or was it a download?)

Shortly after my entire session concluded I got up, straightened everything out, said hi 👋🏻 to my family, drank a bunch of water, started the kettle 🫖, put my AirPod Pros in with Neville Goddard’s work playing in Audible, and went out to the garage to ride the magic 🐲.

And then it hit me.

A torrent of thoughts started to dominate my inner monologue. Thought after thought after thought. I did my best to record everything down and it essentially boiled down to the following:

Consensus Reality & DNA

We know the principle: “Believe and see yourself as what you desire to be, as though you’ve already achieved it. See and know it as existing, and it becomes ‘real.’” This is pretty dang true. I call it a “knowing” because I’ve done it most of my life without even realizing it. Everyone who’s explored consciousness in depth has touched on the topic of manifestation. In essence, manifesting is a human trait—it’s at the core of being a co-creator. An idea becomes reality through deep focus on what it looks like once it’s real, and then by whatever means, it finds its way into our world.

But where does the idea itself come from? As an artist, I’ve always referred to this source as “the muse,” following many before me. A sudden inspiration feels like a download, to use modern UAP terms—an idea that arrives seemingly independent of you. The more you meditate on it, the clearer it becomes that the “muse” is your higher self. It’s you in another dimension, bound so closely that true separation can’t really exist—yet some illusion of separation must be present for this reality to operate as it does.

So, from another dimension, the idea is sent here to be focused on, and it manifests in our consensus reality—our illusion.

Why doesn’t consensus reality just dissolve at any moment?


Everyone’s so darn interested in it—humans and NHI alike. In our materialistic scientific world, we keep uncovering more about DNA. Maybe it’s a quantum computer storage device, the mechanism that keeps our illusion going. It contains all the information needed to build this consensus reality. After all, it holds the code to build our physical bodies with their physical senses, including the time-traveling quantum computer we call the brain. That organ views only a narrow band of all that exists—so our consensus reality is, by definition, an illusion, because it’s not the complete picture of everything.

DNA is also incredibly resilient, yet highly influenced by entropy. Our evolution—driven by DNA—shapes how much of reality we can perceive, and this illusion keeps getting upgrades through generations. Still, DNA can become corrupted now and then. Sometimes it’s completely obliterated by the most powerful force we’ve ever created: atomic energy. Perhaps that kind of mass destruction tears our consensus reality so severely that it could dissolve entirely, and not just in this realm but in the dimension where ideas originate, too. If DNA is wiped out, the soul itself could face devastating corruption. Every action sends out consequences in every direction.

That seems to be our eternal struggle: manifesting grander realities while hovering on the brink of total collapse. One force pulls us toward greater good and love by reducing entropy; the other pulls us toward devastation and suffering by expanding entropy.