Percept: Colophon
Published: 02/14/2024 | Updated: 02/14/2024


a mental concept that is developed as a consequence of the process of perception.

A little while back I started to journal my more memorable meditation sessions. Not only was recording the insights and situations useful for future sessions but it was also a more in-depth exploration of my own progress.

As I discussed these experiences with others I realized it was much easier to simply put them up on here and share them. The journal entries grew and it was time to make a permanent place to store them.

At first I wanted to call this ROTE in memory of Robert Monroe. ROTE is short for Related Organized Thought Energy, a sort of “ball of condensed thought and ideas”. It’s a fantastic acronym but it felt like too much of an appropriation under my own identity, meanwhile percept is a general term.

In addition to recording my meditation sessions I am also using Percept as a repository of various anomalous experiences that I’ve had in my life. I am not special in this aspect. I believe most people have something unexplained or odd to share in regards to consciousness; However, I do believe that our Western society is timid, confused, and downright fearful of talking about their personal thoughts and things that go bump in their head.

The truth is, your subjective experiences are very much objectively not unique. Yes, we are all individuals that comes in different shapes, sizes, ways of thinking, skills, etc. We are also all human, and all humans are conscious beings. So instead of hiding and worrying if anyone can look into your head and read your thoughts: calm down, you’d be surprised what you can achieve with a little more transparency while employing “skeptic with an open mind” attitude when approaching the broad topic of consciousness.

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.

  • Marcus Aurelius

Imagine a world where everyone can read everyone else’s thoughts. Imagine how quickly the quality of our collective consciousness improves in a situation like that.

Lastly, no one can classify consciousness and force you to believe that your experiences are invalid.